Current Events II

Violence and delinquency caused by advertisement

Before reading this post, please, watch the video and think about it for a moment...

             Children do not want to be different than their friends, they want to be accepted in their groups and they believe goods or products will provide this. Off course advertising takes advantage of this and they make children think that the product they are selling will make them socially accepted. According to this information, children may also think that if they do not have new mobile phone or the new toy everyone has will make them unpopular among friends. And what children do when they really want something? They will put a lot of pressure on their parents or guardians to buy them the product which can lead to the fact that children become violent to get what they want. I think many of you were witnesses of this kind of children behavior. It can happen in supermarket when children want candy or some snack, also in toyshop when they want this new toy that they saw on TV and all of their friends already have one. When parents refuse to buy these products, children often start to cry and scream, they may even break something or throw off products from the shelfs. In many cases parents do not want to cause troubles in the shop or they just simply feel embarrassed in front of other people so they buy them what they want. 
The real problem here is that it is the worst think they can do, children remember this and next time they will try the same “strategy” to get want they want. Next problem is they children often think they “need” the product. They do not say “I really want this toy”, instead of this they say “I really need this toy”. And that is exactly what advertising does. It transforms wants into needs. This can be very dangerous for them in the future because it is important for children to learn the real values and recognize correctly their emotions.

Unfortunately, today´s kids can be very mean to each other. This is why parents should explain them that it is not important to have the newest things on market to have good friends and also that it is unacceptable to laugh or be mean to others because they do not have something what others can afford. Maybe it is cliché but they should also tell them that every parent or guardian love their kids and would do everything for them, but they cannot buy them everything they want, but it does not mean they do not love them. Maybe this simple explanation is the best one for children?


Projeto Criança e Consumo. (2009). WHY ADVERTISING IS BAD FOR CHILDREN. Retrieved from

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